Limited / Comprehensive Exams
Preventative Dental Exams in Plano, TX
Receiving limited and comprehensive dental exams at our Plano, TX office ensures we can help protect your smile before significant issues occur. Imagecare Dental Group equips our team and facility with state-of-the-art technology to perform these dental services for the entire family. Whether you have been with us for years or are a new patient, you can rely on us to assist with annual dental examinations or when you believe there is something wrong with your oral health. Using specialized tools, we can get to the bottom of the issue and provide you with a personalized treatment plan to safeguard your smile. Give us a call today to schedule your next visit.

Difference Between Limited and Comprehensive Dental Exams
Limited and comprehensive dental exams have different goals and, therefore, use separate techniques and tools. Our staff will ensure you get all the necessary treatments when checking your oral health. Below are some of the primary differences between the two:
Comprehensive Dental Exam
Also referred to as a new patient exam, we will begin by obtaining a full review of your medical and dental history with this testing. These two are closely related and can better inform you about your well-being. Once those are obtained, we’ll move on to the physical examination. We start by inspecting the tissue in your mouth, back of your throat, tongue, and saliva glands. We also take digital X-rays to locate any previous fillings and the position of your roots. The exam is finished with taking measurements of your gums to check for periodontal issues.
Limited Dental Exam
These dental exams are used when patients have an immediate oral health concern. We will get you scheduled as best we can since it is typically considered an emergency, but we are also available to patients 24/7 for assistance. While we may need to schedule another visit for direct treatment, we will develop a plan to prevent further damage and pain in the meantime. Your comprehensive exam will also help us with information about what is happening and why. You can also expect us to perform a cancer screening exam during this visit.
Over 25 Years of Dental Experience
Imagecare Dental Group has become a trusted resource for patients of all ages in the Plano area. Our experience and dedication to our craft have led many patients to our offices. We provide thorough dental examinations to get ahead of any potentially dangerous issues involving your oral care. When they arise, you can bet you are in the safest hands possible. Call us today to schedule your initial comprehensive dental exam and bring the entire family along.